Source code for pyGHDL.libghdl

# =============================================================================
#               ____ _   _ ____  _       _ _ _           _         _ _
#  _ __  _   _ / ___| | | |  _ \| |     | (_) |__   __ _| |__   __| | |
# | '_ \| | | | |  _| |_| | | | | |     | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | |
# | |_) | |_| | |_| |  _  | |_| | |___ _| | | |_) | (_| | | | | (_| | |
# | .__/ \__, |\____|_| |_|____/|_____(_)_|_|_.__/ \__, |_| |_|\__,_|_|
# |_|    |___/                                     |___/
# =============================================================================
# Authors:
#   Tristan Gingold
#   Patrick Lehmann
# License:
# ============================================================================
#  Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Tristan Gingold
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# ============================================================================
Python binding and low-level API for shared library ``libghdl``.

In case of an error, a :exc:`LibGHDLException` is raised.
from ctypes import c_char_p, CDLL
from sys import platform as sys_platform, version_info as sys_version_info
from os import environ as os_environ
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import which
from typing import List, Optional

from pyTooling.Decorators import export

from pyGHDL import GHDLBaseException
from pyGHDL.libghdl._types import Iir

# from pyGHDL.libghdl._decorator import BindToLibGHDL
from pyGHDL import __version__ as ghdlVersion

Nullable = Optional

__all__ = ["ENCODING"]

ENCODING = "latin-1"

[docs]@export class LibGHDLException(GHDLBaseException): _internalErrors: Nullable[List[str]] def __init__(self, message: str, errors: List[str] = None): super().__init__(message) self._internalErrors = errors @property def InternalErrors(self) -> Nullable[List[str]]: return self._internalErrors
[docs]@export def _get_libghdl_name() -> Path: """Get the name of the libghdl library (with version and extension).""" version = ghdlVersion.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_") ext = {"win32": "dll", "cygwin": "dll", "msys": "dll", "darwin": "dylib"}.get(sys_platform, "so") return Path(f"libghdl-{version}.{ext}")
[docs]@export def _check_libghdl_libdir(libdir: Path, basename: Path) -> Path: """Returns libghdl path in :obj:`libdir`, if found.""" if libdir is None: raise ValueError("Parameter 'libdir' is None.") # print('libghdl: check in {}'.format(libdir)) res = libdir / basename if res.exists(): return res raise FileNotFoundError(str(res))
[docs]@export def _check_libghdl_bindir(bindir: Path, basename: Path) -> Path: if bindir is None: raise ValueError("Parameter 'bindir' is None.") return _check_libghdl_libdir((bindir / "../lib").resolve(), basename)
[docs]@export def _get_libghdl_path(): """\ Locate the directory where the shared library is installed. **Search order:** 1. `GHDL_PREFIX` - directory (prefix) of the vhdl libraries. 2. `VUNIT_GHDL_PATH` - path of the `ghdl` binary when using VUnit. 3. `GHDL` - name of, or path to the `ghdl` binary. 4. Try within `libghdl/` Python installation. 5. Try when running from the build directory. """ basename = _get_libghdl_name() # Try GHDL_PREFIX # GHDL_PREFIX is the prefix of the vhdl libraries, so remove the # last path component. r = os_environ.get("GHDL_PREFIX") try: return _check_libghdl_libdir(Path(r).parent, basename) except (TypeError, FileNotFoundError): pass # Try VUNIT_GHDL_PATH (path of the ghdl binary when using VUnit). r = os_environ.get("VUNIT_GHDL_PATH") try: return _check_libghdl_bindir(Path(r), basename) except (TypeError, FileNotFoundError): pass # Try GHDL (name/path of the ghdl binary) r = os_environ.get("GHDL", "ghdl") r = which(r) try: return _check_libghdl_bindir(Path(r).parent, basename) except (TypeError, FileNotFoundError): pass # Try within libghdl/ python installation r = Path(__file__) try: return _check_libghdl_bindir(r.parent, basename) except (TypeError, FileNotFoundError): pass # Try when running from the build directory r = (r.parent / "../../lib").resolve() try: return _check_libghdl_libdir(r, basename) except (TypeError, FileNotFoundError): pass # Failed. raise Exception(f"Cannot find libghdl {basename}")
[docs]@export def _initialize(): # Load the shared library _libghdl_path = _get_libghdl_path() # Add DLL search path(s) if sys_platform == "win32" and sys_version_info.major == 3 and sys_version_info.minor >= 8: from os import add_dll_directory as os_add_dll_directory p1 = _libghdl_path.parent.parent / "bin" os_add_dll_directory(str(p1)) # Load libghdl shared object libghdl = CDLL(str(_libghdl_path)) # Initialize it. # First Ada elaboration (must be the first call) libghdl.libghdl_init() # Then 'normal' initialization (set hooks) libghdl.libghdl__set_hooks_for_analysis() # Set the prefix in order to locate the VHDL libraries. prefix = str(_libghdl_path.parent.parent).encode(ENCODING) libghdl.libghdl__set_exec_prefix(c_char_p(prefix), len(prefix)) return libghdl
# Initialize shared library when package is loaded libghdl = _initialize()
[docs]@export # @BindToLibGHDL("options__finalize") def finalize() -> None: """Free all the memory, be ready for a new initialization.""" libghdl.options__finalize()
[docs]@export # @BindToLibGHDL("options__initialize") def initialize() -> None: """Initialize or re-initialize the shared library.""" libghdl.options__initialize()
[docs]@export # @BindToLibGHDL("libghdl__set_option") def set_option(opt: str) -> bool: """\ Set option :obj:`opt`. :param opt: Option to set. :return: Return ``True``, if the option is known and handled. """ opt = opt.encode(ENCODING) return libghdl.libghdl__set_option(c_char_p(opt), len(opt)) == 0
[docs]@export # @BindToLibGHDL("libghdl__analyze_init") def analyze_init() -> None: """\ Initialize the analyzer. .. deprecated:: 1.0.0 Deprecated as it may raise an exception. Use :func:`analyze_init_status`. """ libghdl.libghdl__analyze_init()
[docs]@export # @BindToLibGHDL("libghdl__analyze_init_status") def analyze_init_status() -> int: """\ Initialize the analyzer. :return: Returns 0 in case of success. """ return libghdl.libghdl__analyze_init_status()
[docs]@export # @BindToLibGHDL("libghdl__analyze_file") def analyze_file(fname: str) -> Iir: """\ Analyze a given filename :obj:`fname`. :param fname: File name :return: Internal Intermediate Representation (IIR) """ fname = fname.encode(ENCODING) return libghdl.libghdl__analyze_file(c_char_p(fname), len(fname))
[docs]@export # @BindToLibGHDL("ghdllocal__disp_config_prefixes") def disp_config() -> None: """Display the configured prefixes for libghdl.""" libghdl.ghdllocal__disp_config_prefixes()