# =============================================================================
# ____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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# |_| |___/ |___/
# =============================================================================
# Authors:
# Tristan Gingold
# Patrick Lehmann
# Package package: Python binding and low-level API for shared library 'libghdl'.
# License:
# ============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Tristan Gingold
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# ============================================================================
from pyTooling.Decorators import export
from pyGHDL.libghdl._decorator import BindToLibGHDL
from pyGHDL.libghdl._types import NameId, SourceFileEntry, LocationType
__all__ = [
EOT = b"\x04"
No_Source_File_Entry = 0
No_Location = 0
def Location_To_File(Location: LocationType) -> SourceFileEntry:
Convert :obj:`Location` to a source file.
:param Location: Location
:return: Source file. Return ``No_Source_File_Entry`` if location is incorrect.
return 0
def Location_File_To_Pos(Location: LocationType, File: SourceFileEntry) -> int:
Convert :obj:`Location` and :obj:`File` to a position (offset) into the source file.
:param Location: Location
:param File: Source file
:return: Offset
return 0
def Location_File_To_Line(Location: LocationType, File: SourceFileEntry) -> int:
Convert :obj:`Location` and :obj:`File` to a line number.
:param Location: Location
:param File: Source file
:return: Line number
return 0
def Location_File_Line_To_Offset(Location: LocationType, File: SourceFileEntry, Line: int) -> int:
Get the offset in :obj:`Line` of :obj:`Location`.
:param Location: Location
:param File: Source file
:param Line: Line number
:return: Offset
return 0
def Location_File_Line_To_Col(Location: LocationType, File: SourceFileEntry, Line: int) -> int:
Get logical column (with HT expanded) from :obj:`Location`, :obj:`File` and
:param Location: Location
:param File: Source file
:param Line: Line number
:return: logical column (horizontal tabs are expanded)
return 0
def File_To_Location(File: SourceFileEntry) -> LocationType:
"""Convert a :obj:`File` into a location.
:param File: Source file
:return: Location.
return 0
def File_Pos_To_Location(File: SourceFileEntry, Pos: int) -> LocationType:
Convert a :obj:`File` and an offset :obj:`Pos` in the file into a location.
:param File: Source file
:param Pos: Offset in the file
:return: Location.
return 0
def File_Line_To_Position(File: SourceFileEntry, Line: int) -> int:
Convert a :obj:`File` and :obj:`Line` into a position.
:param File: Source file
:param Line: Line number
:return: Return ``Source_Ptr_Bad`` in case of error (:obj:`Line` out of bounds).
return 0
def Get_File_Name(File: SourceFileEntry) -> NameId:
Return the name of the file.
:param File: Source file to get the filename from.
:return: NameId for the filename.
return 0
def Get_Directory_Name(File: SourceFileEntry) -> NameId:
Return the directory of the file.
:param File: Source file to get the directory name from.
:return: NameId for the directory.
return 0
def Get_File_Buffer(File: SourceFileEntry) -> bytes:
Return a buffer (access to the contents of the file) for a file entry.
:param File: Source file to get the buffer from.
:return: Type: ``File_Buffer_Ptr``
return 0
def Get_File_Length(File: SourceFileEntry) -> int:
Get the position of the first EOT character.
:param File: Source file
:return: Type: ``Source_Ptr``
return 0
def Set_File_Length(File: SourceFileEntry, Length: int) -> None:
Set the length of the file (which is less than the size of the file buffer).
Set also append two EOT at the end of the file.
:param File: Source file
:param Length: Length for the file. Type: ``Source_Ptr``
return 0
def Get_Buffer_Length(File: SourceFileEntry) -> int:
Get the length of the buffer, including the gap and the two EOT.
:param File: Source file
:return: Type: ``Source_Ptr``
def Get_Buffer_Length(File: SourceFileEntry) -> int:
Get the length of the buffer, including the gap and the two EOT.
:param File: Source file
:return: Type: ``Source_Ptr``
# @export
def Read_Source_File(Directory: NameId, Name: NameId) -> SourceFileEntry:
Return an entry for a filename.
Load the filename if necessary.
:param Directory: ``Null_Identifier`` for :obj:`DirectoryId` means current directory.
:param Name: File name
:return: Return ``No_Source_File_Entry``, if the file does not exist.
return 0
def Reserve_Source_File(Directory: NameId, Name: NameId, Length: int) -> SourceFileEntry:
Reserve an entry, but do not read any file.
The length should includes the two terminal EOT.
:param Directory: Directory name
:param Name: File name
:param Length: Length to reserve. Type: ``Source_Ptr``
:return: SourceFile
return 0
def Discard_Source_File(File: SourceFileEntry) -> None:
Mark :obj:`File` as unavailable: clear the name and directory.
.. hint:: This is needed before creating a new source file with the same name.
:param File: Source file to discard.
def Free_Source_File(File: SourceFileEntry) -> None:
Free resources used by :obj:`File`, but keep the entry.
.. note:: It could be recycled for files that could fit - not implemented.
:param File: Source file to free.
def Get_Last_Source_File_Entry() -> SourceFileEntry:
Returns the entry of the last known file.
.. hint:: This allows creating a table of ``SourceFileEntry``.
:return: Last SourceFileEntry. Type: ``SourceFileEntry``
return 0