# ==================================================================================================================== #
# __ ___ _ ____ _ __ __ _ _ #
# _ __ _ \ \ / / | | | _ \| | | \/ | ___ __| | ___| | #
# | '_ \| | | \ \ / /| |_| | | | | | | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ | #
# | |_) | |_| |\ V / | _ | |_| | |___| | | | (_) | (_| | __/ | #
# | .__/ \__, | \_/ |_| |_|____/|_____|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___|_| #
# |_| |___/ #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Authors: #
# Patrick Lehmann #
# #
# License: #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Copyright 2017-2023 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany #
# Copyright 2016-2017 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. #
# You may obtain a copy of the License at #
# #
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
# #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
# limitations under the License. #
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
This module contains parts of an abstract document language model for VHDL.
Base-classes for the VHDL language model.
from enum import unique, Enum
from typing import Type, Tuple, Iterable, Optional as Nullable, Union, cast
from pyTooling.Decorators import export
from pyTooling.MetaClasses import ExtendedType
__all__ = ["ExpressionUnion"]
ExpressionUnion = Union[
# ConstantOrSymbol, TODO: ObjectSymbol
class Direction(Enum):
"""A ``Direction`` is an enumeration and represents a direction in a range (``to`` or ``downto``)."""
To = 0 #: Ascending direction
DownTo = 1 #: Descending direction
def __str__(self):
Formats the direction to ``to`` or ``downto``.
:return: Formatted direction.
return ("to", "downto")[cast(int, self.value)] # TODO: check performance
class Mode(Enum):
A ``Mode`` is an enumeration. It represents the direction of data exchange (``in``, ``out``, ...) for objects in
generic, port or parameter lists.
In case no *mode* is defined, ``Default`` is used, so the *mode* is inferred from context.
Default = 0 #: Mode not defined, thus it's context dependent.
In = 1 #: Input
Out = 2 #: Output
InOut = 3 #: Bi-directional
Buffer = 4 #: Buffered output
Linkage = 5 #: undocumented
def __str__(self):
Formats the direction.
:return: Formatted direction.
return ("", "in", "out", "inout", "buffer", "linkage")[cast(int, self.value)] # TODO: check performance
class ModelEntity(metaclass=ExtendedType, useSlots=True):
``ModelEntity`` is the base-class for all classes in the VHDL language model, except for mixin classes (see multiple
inheritance) and enumerations.
Each entity in this model has a reference to its parent entity. Therefore, a protected variable :attr:`_parent` is
available and a readonly property :attr:`Parent`.
_parent: 'ModelEntity' #: Reference to a parent entity in the model.
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes a VHDL model entity."""
self._parent = None
def Parent(self) -> 'ModelEntity':
Returns a reference to the parent entity.
:returns: Parent entity.
return self._parent
def GetAncestor(self, type: Type) -> 'ModelEntity':
parent = self._parent
while not isinstance(parent, type):
parent = parent._parent
return parent
class NamedEntityMixin:
A ``NamedEntityMixin`` is a mixin class for all VHDL entities that have identifiers.
Protected variables :attr:`_identifier` and :attr:`_normalizedIdentifier` are available to derived classes as well as
two readonly properties :attr:`Identifier` and :attr:`NormalizedIdentifier` for public access.
_identifier: str #: The identifier of a model entity.
_normalizedIdentifier: str #: The normalized (lower case) identifier of a model entity.
def __init__(self, identifier: str):
Initializes a named entity.
:param identifier: Identifier (name) of the model entity.
self._identifier = identifier
self._normalizedIdentifier = identifier.lower()
def Identifier(self) -> str:
Returns a model entity's identifier (name).
:returns: Name of a model entity.
return self._identifier
def NormalizedIdentifier(self) -> str:
Returns a model entity's normalized identifier (lower case name).
:returns: Normalized name of a model entity.
return self._normalizedIdentifier
class MultipleNamedEntityMixin:
A ``MultipleNamedEntityMixin`` is a mixin class for all VHDL entities that declare multiple instances at once by
defining multiple identifiers.
Protected variables :attr:`_identifiers` and :attr:`_normalizedIdentifiers` are available to derived classes as well
as two readonly properties :attr:`Identifiers` and :attr:`NormalizedIdentifiers` for public access.
_identifiers: Tuple[str] #: A list of identifiers.
_normalizedIdentifiers: Tuple[str] #: A list of normalized (lower case) identifiers.
def __init__(self, identifiers: Iterable[str]):
Initializes a multiple-named entity.
:param identifiers: Sequence of identifiers (names) of the model entity.
self._identifiers = tuple(identifiers)
self._normalizedIdentifiers = tuple([identifier.lower() for identifier in identifiers])
def Identifiers(self) -> Tuple[str]:
Returns a model entity's tuple of identifiers (names).
:returns: Tuple of identifiers.
return self._identifiers
def NormalizedIdentifiers(self) -> Tuple[str]:
Returns a model entity's tuple of normalized identifiers (lower case names).
:returns: Tuple of normalized identifiers.
return self._normalizedIdentifiers
class LabeledEntityMixin:
A ``LabeledEntityMixin`` is a mixin class for all VHDL entities that can have labels.
protected variables :attr:`_label` and :attr:`_normalizedLabel` are available to derived classes as well as two
readonly properties :attr:`Label` and :attr:`NormalizedLabel` for public access.
_label: Nullable[str] #: The label of a model entity.
_normalizedLabel: Nullable[str] #: The normalized (lower case) label of a model entity.
def __init__(self, label: Nullable[str]):
Initializes a labeled entity.
:param label: Label of the model entity.
self._label = label
self._normalizedLabel = label.lower() if label is not None else None
def Label(self) -> Nullable[str]:
Returns a model entity's label.
:returns: Label of a model entity.
return self._label
def NormalizedLabel(self) -> Nullable[str]:
Returns a model entity's normalized (lower case) label.
:returns: Normalized label of a model entity.
return self._normalizedLabel
class DocumentedEntityMixin:
A ``DocumentedEntityMixin`` is a mixin class for all VHDL entities that can have an associated documentation.
A protected variable :attr:`_documentation` is available to derived classes as well as a readonly property
:attr:`Documentation` for public access.
_documentation: Nullable[str] #: The associated documentation of a model entity.
def __init__(self, documentation: Nullable[str]):
Initializes a documented entity.
:param documentation: Documentation of a model entity.
self._documentation = documentation
def Documentation(self) -> Nullable[str]:
Returns a model entity's associated documentation.
:returns: Associated documentation of a model entity.
return self._documentation
class ConditionalMixin:
"""A ``BaseConditional`` is a mixin-class for all statements with a condition."""
_condition: ExpressionUnion
def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion = None):
self._condition = condition
if condition is not None:
condition._parent = self
def Condition(self) -> ExpressionUnion:
return self._condition
class BranchMixin:
"""A ``BaseBranch`` is a mixin-class for all statements with branches."""
def __init__(self):
class ConditionalBranchMixin(BranchMixin, ConditionalMixin):
"""A ``BaseBranch`` is a mixin-class for all branch statements with a condition."""
def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion):
ConditionalMixin.__init__(self, condition)
class IfBranchMixin(ConditionalBranchMixin):
"""A ``BaseIfBranch`` is a mixin-class for all if-branches."""
class ElsifBranchMixin(ConditionalBranchMixin):
"""A ``BaseElsifBranch`` is a mixin-class for all elsif-branches."""
class ElseBranchMixin(BranchMixin):
"""A ``BaseElseBranch`` is a mixin-class for all else-branches."""
class ReportStatementMixin:
"""A ``MixinReportStatement`` is a mixin-class for all report and assert statements."""
_message: Nullable[ExpressionUnion]
_severity: Nullable[ExpressionUnion]
def __init__(self, message: ExpressionUnion = None, severity: ExpressionUnion = None):
self._message = message
if message is not None:
message._parent = self
self._severity = severity
if severity is not None:
severity._parent = self
def Message(self) -> Nullable[ExpressionUnion]:
return self._message
def Severity(self) -> Nullable[ExpressionUnion]:
return self._severity
class AssertStatementMixin(ReportStatementMixin, ConditionalMixin):
"""A ``MixinAssertStatement`` is a mixin-class for all assert statements."""
def __init__(self, condition: ExpressionUnion, message: ExpressionUnion = None, severity: ExpressionUnion = None):
super().__init__(message, severity)
ConditionalMixin.__init__(self, condition)
class BlockStatementMixin:
"""A ``BlockStatement`` is a mixin-class for all block statements."""
def __init__(self):
class BaseChoice(ModelEntity):
"""A ``Choice`` is a base-class for all choices."""
class BaseCase(ModelEntity):
A ``Case`` is a base-class for all cases.
class Range(ModelEntity):
_leftBound: ExpressionUnion
_rightBound: ExpressionUnion
_direction: Direction
[docs] def __init__(self, leftBound: ExpressionUnion, rightBound: ExpressionUnion, direction: Direction):
self._leftBound = leftBound
leftBound._parent = self
self._rightBound = rightBound
rightBound._parent = self
self._direction = direction
def LeftBound(self) -> ExpressionUnion:
return self._leftBound
def RightBound(self) -> ExpressionUnion:
return self._rightBound
def Direction(self) -> Direction:
return self._direction
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str:
return "{leftBound!s} {direction!s} {rightBound!s}".format(
class WaveformElement(ModelEntity):
_expression: ExpressionUnion
_after: ExpressionUnion
def __init__(self, expression: ExpressionUnion, after: ExpressionUnion = None):
self._expression = expression
expression._parent = self
self._after = after
if after is not None:
after._parent = self
def Expression(self) -> ExpressionUnion:
return self._expression
def After(self) -> Expression:
return self._after