Source code for pyVHDLModel.DesignUnit

# ==================================================================================================================== #
#             __     ___   _ ____  _     __  __           _      _                                                     #
#   _ __  _   \ \   / / | | |  _ \| |   |  \/  | ___   __| | ___| |                                                    #
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#  | |_) | |_| |\ V / |  _  | |_| | |___| |  | | (_) | (_| |  __/ |                                                    #
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#  |_|    |___/                                                                                                        #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Authors:                                                                                                             #
#   Patrick Lehmann                                                                                                    #
#                                                                                                                      #
# License:                                                                                                             #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Copyright 2017-2023 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany                                                            #
# Copyright 2016-2017 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany                                                               #
#                                                                                                                      #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");                                                      #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.                                                     #
# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                                              #
#                                                                                                                      #
#                                                                         #
#                                                                                                                      #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software                                                  #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,                                                    #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.                                             #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and                                                  #
# limitations under the License.                                                                                       #
#                                                                                                                      #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0                                                                                  #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
This module contains parts of an abstract document language model for VHDL.

Design units are contexts, entities, architectures, packages and their bodies as well as configurations.
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Iterable, Optional as Nullable

from pyTooling.Decorators import export
from pyTooling.Graph import Vertex

from pyVHDLModel.Exception  import VHDLModelException
from pyVHDLModel.Base       import ModelEntity, NamedEntityMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin
from pyVHDLModel.Namespace  import Namespace
from pyVHDLModel.Symbol     import Symbol, PackageSymbol, EntitySymbol
from pyVHDLModel.Interface  import GenericInterfaceItem, PortInterfaceItem
from pyVHDLModel.Subprogram import Procedure, Function
from pyVHDLModel.Object     import Constant, Variable, Signal
from pyVHDLModel.Type       import Type, Subtype
from pyVHDLModel.Concurrent import ConcurrentStatement, ConcurrentStatements, ConcurrentDeclarations

ContextUnion = Union[

class Reference(ModelEntity):
	_symbols:       List[Symbol]

	def __init__(self, symbols: Iterable[Symbol]):

		self._symbols = [s for s in symbols]

	def Symbols(self) -> List[Symbol]:
		return self._symbols

class LibraryClause(Reference):

class UseClause(Reference):

class ContextReference(Reference):
	# TODO: rename to ContextClause?

class DesignUnitWithContextMixin:  # (metaclass=ExtendedType, useSlots=True):

class DesignUnit(ModelEntity, NamedEntityMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin):
	"""A ``DesignUnit`` is a base-class for all design units."""

	_library:             'Library'                        #: The VHDL library, the design unit was analyzed into.

	# Either written as statements before (e.g. entity, architecture, package, ...), or as statements inside (context)
	_contextItems:        List['ContextUnion']             #: List of all context items (library, use and context clauses).
	_libraryReferences:   List['LibraryClause']            #: List of library clauses.
	_packageReferences:   List['UseClause']                #: List of use clauses.
	_contextReferences:   List['ContextReference']         #: List of context clauses.

	_referencedLibraries: Dict[str, 'Library']             #: Referenced libraries based on explicit library clauses or implicit inheritance
	_referencedPackages:  Dict[str, Dict[str, 'Package']]  #: Referenced packages based on explicit use clauses or implicit inheritance
	_referencedContexts:  Dict[str, 'Context']             #: Referenced contexts based on explicit context references or implicit inheritance

	_dependencyVertex:    Vertex[str, 'DesignUnit', None, None]  #: The vertex in the dependency graph
	_hierarchyVertex:     Vertex[str, 'DesignUnit', None, None]  #: The vertex in the hierarchy graph

	_namespace:           'Namespace'

	def __init__(self, identifier: str, contextItems: Iterable['ContextUnion'] = None, documentation: str = None):
		Initializes a design unit.

		:param identifier:    Identifier (name) of the design unit.
		:param contextItems:  A sequence of library, use or context clauses.
		:param documentation: Associated documentation of the design unit.
		NamedEntityMixin.__init__(self, identifier)
		DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation)

		self._library = None

		self._contextItems = []
		self._libraryReferences = []
		self._packageReferences = []
		self._contextReferences = []

		if contextItems is not None:
			for item in contextItems:
				if isinstance(item, UseClause):
				elif isinstance(item, LibraryClause):
				elif isinstance(item, ContextReference):

		self._referencedLibraries = {}
		self._referencedPackages = {}
		self._referencedContexts = {}

		self._dependencyVertex = None
		self._hierarchyVertex = None

		self._namespace = Namespace(self._normalizedIdentifier)

	def Document(self) -> 'Document':
		return self._parent

	def Document(self, document: 'Document') -> None:
		self._parent = document

	def Library(self) -> 'Library':
		return self._library

	def Library(self, library: 'Library') -> None:
		self._library = library

	def ContextItems(self) -> List['ContextUnion']:
		Read-only property to access the sequence of all context items comprising library, use and context clauses

		:returns: Sequence of context items.
		return self._contextItems

	def ContextReferences(self) -> List['ContextReference']:
		Read-only property to access the sequence of context clauses (:py:attr:`_contextReferences`).

		:returns: Sequence of context clauses.
		return self._contextReferences

	def LibraryReferences(self) -> List['LibraryClause']:
		Read-only property to access the sequence of library clauses (:py:attr:`_libraryReferences`).

		:returns: Sequence of library clauses.
		return self._libraryReferences

	def PackageReferences(self) -> List['UseClause']:
		Read-only property to access the sequence of use clauses (:py:attr:`_packageReferences`).

		:returns: Sequence of use clauses.
		return self._packageReferences

	def ReferencedLibraries(self) -> Dict[str, 'Library']:
		return self._referencedLibraries

	def ReferencedPackages(self) -> Dict[str, 'Package']:
		return self._referencedPackages

	def ReferencedContexts(self) -> Dict[str, 'Context']:
		return self._referencedContexts

	def DependencyVertex(self) -> Vertex:
		return self._dependencyVertex

	def HierarchyVertex(self) -> Vertex:
		return self._hierarchyVertex

class PrimaryUnit(DesignUnit):
	"""A ``PrimaryUnit`` is a base-class for all primary units."""

class SecondaryUnit(DesignUnit):
	"""A ``SecondaryUnit`` is a base-class for all secondary units."""

class Context(PrimaryUnit):
	_references:        List[ContextUnion]
	_libraryReferences: List[LibraryClause]
	_packageReferences: List[UseClause]
	_contextReferences: List[ContextReference]

	def __init__(self, identifier: str, references: Iterable[ContextUnion] = None, documentation: str = None):
		super().__init__(identifier, documentation)

		self._references = []
		self._libraryReferences = []
		self._packageReferences = []
		self._contextReferences = []

		if references is not None:
			for reference in references:
				reference._parent = self

				if isinstance(reference, LibraryClause):
				elif isinstance(reference, UseClause):
				elif isinstance(reference, ContextReference):
					raise VHDLModelException()

	def LibraryReferences(self) -> List[LibraryClause]:
		return self._libraryReferences

	def PackageReferences(self) -> List[UseClause]:
		return self._packageReferences

	def ContextReferences(self) -> List[ContextReference]:
		return self._contextReferences

[docs] def __str__(self): lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" return f"Context: {lib}.{self.Identifier}"
@export class Package(PrimaryUnit, DesignUnitWithContextMixin): _genericItems: List[GenericInterfaceItem] _declaredItems: List _types: Dict[str, Union[Type, Subtype]] _objects: Dict[str, Union[Constant, Variable, Signal]] _constants: Dict[str, Constant] _functions: Dict[str, Dict[str, Function]] _procedures: Dict[str, Dict[str, Procedure]] _components: Dict[str, 'Component'] def __init__(self, identifier: str, contextItems: Iterable['Context'] = None, genericItems: Iterable[GenericInterfaceItem] = None, declaredItems: Iterable = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, contextItems, documentation) DesignUnitWithContextMixin.__init__(self) # TODO: extract to mixin self._genericItems = [] # TODO: convert to dict if genericItems is not None: for generic in genericItems: self._genericItems.append(generic) generic._parent = self # TODO: extract to mixin self._declaredItems = [] # TODO: convert to dict if declaredItems is not None: for item in declaredItems: self._declaredItems.append(item) item._parent = self self._types = {} self._objects = {} self._constants = {} self._functions = {} self._procedures = {} self._components = {} @property def GenericItems(self) -> List[GenericInterfaceItem]: return self._genericItems @property def DeclaredItems(self) -> List: return self._declaredItems # TODO: move into __init__ ? # TODO: share with architecture and block statement? def IndexPackage(self): for item in self._declaredItems: if isinstance(item, Type): print(item) elif isinstance(item, Subtype): print(item) elif isinstance(item, Function): print(item) elif isinstance(item, Procedure): print(item) elif isinstance(item, Constant): for identifier in item.Identifiers: normalizedIdentifier = identifier.lower() self._constants[normalizedIdentifier] = item self._objects[normalizedIdentifier] = item elif isinstance(item, Variable): for identifier in item.Identifiers: self._objects[identifier.lower()] = item elif isinstance(item, Signal): for identifier in item.Identifiers: self._objects[identifier.lower()] = item elif isinstance(item, Component): self._components[item.NormalizedIdentifier] = item else: print(item)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" return f"Package: {lib}.{self.Identifier}"
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" return f"{lib}.{self.Identifier}"
@export class PackageBody(SecondaryUnit, DesignUnitWithContextMixin): _package: PackageSymbol _declaredItems: List def __init__(self, packageSymbol: PackageSymbol, contextItems: Iterable['Context'] = None, declaredItems: Iterable = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(packageSymbol.Identifier, contextItems, documentation) DesignUnitWithContextMixin.__init__(self) self._package = packageSymbol packageSymbol._parent = self # TODO: extract to mixin self._declaredItems = [] # TODO: convert to dict if declaredItems is not None: for item in declaredItems: self._declaredItems.append(item) item._parent = self @property def Package(self) -> PackageSymbol: return self._package @property def DeclaredItems(self) -> List: return self._declaredItems def IndexPackageBody(self): pass def LinkDeclaredItemsToPackage(self): pass
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" return f"Package Body: {lib}.{self.Identifier}(body)"
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" return f"{lib}.{self.Identifier}(body)"
@export class Entity(PrimaryUnit, DesignUnitWithContextMixin, ConcurrentDeclarations, ConcurrentStatements): _genericItems: List[GenericInterfaceItem] _portItems: List[PortInterfaceItem] _architectures: Dict[str, 'Architecture'] def __init__( self, identifier: str, contextItems: Iterable[ContextUnion] = None, genericItems: Iterable[GenericInterfaceItem] = None, portItems: Iterable[PortInterfaceItem] = None, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable[ConcurrentStatement] = None, documentation: str = None ): super().__init__(identifier, contextItems, documentation) DesignUnitWithContextMixin.__init__(self) ConcurrentDeclarations.__init__(self, declaredItems) ConcurrentStatements.__init__(self, statements) # TODO: extract to mixin self._genericItems = [] if genericItems is not None: for item in genericItems: self._genericItems.append(item) item._parent = self # TODO: extract to mixin self._portItems = [] if portItems is not None: for item in portItems: self._portItems.append(item) item._parent = self self._architectures = {} @property def GenericItems(self) -> List[GenericInterfaceItem]: return self._genericItems @property def PortItems(self) -> List[PortInterfaceItem]: return self._portItems @property def Architectures(self) -> Dict[str, 'Architecture']: return self._architectures
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" return f"Entity: {lib}.{self.Identifier}({', '.join(self._architectures.keys())})"
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" return f"{lib}.{self.Identifier}({', '.join(self._architectures.keys())})"
@export class Architecture(SecondaryUnit, DesignUnitWithContextMixin, ConcurrentDeclarations, ConcurrentStatements): _library: 'Library' = None _entity: EntitySymbol def __init__(self, identifier: str, entity: EntitySymbol, contextItems: Iterable[Context] = None, declaredItems: Iterable = None, statements: Iterable['ConcurrentStatement'] = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, contextItems, documentation) DesignUnitWithContextMixin.__init__(self) ConcurrentDeclarations.__init__(self, declaredItems) ConcurrentStatements.__init__(self, statements) self._entity = entity entity._parent = self @property def Entity(self) -> EntitySymbol: return self._entity # TODO: move to Design Unit @property def Library(self) -> 'Library': return self._library @Library.setter def Library(self, library: 'Library') -> None: self._library = library
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" ent = self._entity.Identifier + "?" if self._entity is not None else "" return f"Architecture: {lib}.{ent}({self.Identifier})"
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" ent = self._entity.Identifier + "?" if self._entity is not None else "" return f"{lib}.{ent}({self.Identifier})"
@export class Component(ModelEntity, NamedEntityMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin): _genericItems: List[GenericInterfaceItem] _portItems: List[PortInterfaceItem] _entity: Nullable[Entity] def __init__(self, identifier: str, genericItems: Iterable[GenericInterfaceItem] = None, portItems: Iterable[PortInterfaceItem] = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__() NamedEntityMixin.__init__(self, identifier) DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation) # TODO: extract to mixin self._genericItems = [] if genericItems is not None: for item in genericItems: self._genericItems.append(item) item._parent = self # TODO: extract to mixin self._portItems = [] if portItems is not None: for item in portItems: self._portItems.append(item) item._parent = self @property def GenericItems(self) -> List[GenericInterfaceItem]: return self._genericItems @property def PortItems(self) -> List[PortInterfaceItem]: return self._portItems @property def Entity(self) -> Nullable[Entity]: return self._entity @Entity.setter def Entity(self, value: Entity) -> None: self._entity = value @export class Configuration(PrimaryUnit, DesignUnitWithContextMixin): def __init__(self, identifier: str, contextItems: Iterable[Context] = None, documentation: str = None): super().__init__(identifier, contextItems, documentation) DesignUnitWithContextMixin.__init__(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" return f"Configuration: {lib}.{self.Identifier}"
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: lib = self._library.Identifier + "?" if self._library is not None else "" return f"{lib}.{self.Identifier}"