
GTKWave Overview

GTKWave is an analysis tool used to perform debugging on Verilog or VHDL simulation models. With the exception of interactive VCD viewing, it is not intended to be run interactively with simulation, but instead relies on a post-mortem approach through the use of dumpfiles. Various dumpfile formats are supported:

  • VCD: Value Change Dump. This is an industry standard file format generated by most Verilog simulators and is specified in IEEE-1364. This is the slowest of the formats for the viewer to process and requires the most memory, however the format is ubiquitous and almost all tools support it, which is why native support remains. Note that recent versions of the viewer default to dynamic VCD recoding in memory through some interesting tricks with zlib compressed VLists. (See VCD Recoding) This greatly reduces the amount of memory required to store a large, full (non-interactive) VCD trace in memory such that in many cases, less memory is required than the actual size of the trace itself. Nevertheless, using one of the database formats will almost always be more efficient for larger traces, especially if they are to be viewed repeatedly. (i.e., the speed hit for converting a trace to a database format is offset by the repeated cost of recoding VCD every time the trace is viewed.) The more physical memory that is available on a machine being used to view VCD, the better.

  • LXT: InterLaced eXtensible Trace. This is an optimized format utilizing interleaved back pointers and value changes. Processing LXT files is faster than VCD. It was created specifically for use with GTKWave, however some other simulators (notably, Icarus Verilog) support it natively.

  • LXT2: InterLaced eXtensible Trace Version 2. This is a block-based variant of LXT that allows for greater compression and access speeds than can be achieved with LXT. It allows random-access at the block level and also optionally allows partial loading of blocks for even faster operation. Icarus Verilog also supports LXT2 natively.

  • VZT: Verilog Zipped Trace. This is an outgrowth of LXT2 as it is also block based, however it employs a different heuristic for compression that allows for file sizes much smaller than most other dumpfile formats including commercial ones. VZT file write performance is the slowest of all the formats, however reading them can be extremely fast on multiprocessor machines as the file format has been designed such that the reader was able to be parallelized.

  • GHW: GHDL Wave file. This is a nine state (“01XZHUWL-”) file format written by the VHDL simulator GHDL.

  • AET2: All Events Trace Version 2. This is a format used by various IBM EDA tools. File size is very small and access is extremely fast. Support for it is determined at compile time. If the AET2 reader API libraries are not found, it is disabled. Users of IBM tool sets can set the environment variable SIMARAMA_BASE to point to the libae2rw.a and/or files in order to enable this feature.

  • IDX: VCD Recoder Index File. This format is written by GTKWave when instructed to generate fastload files.

  • FST: Fast Signal Trace. This format is a block-based variant of IDX which is designed for very fast sequential and random access.

  • VPD: VCD Plus Dump. This is generated by Synopsys VCS. In order to read these files, the executable vpd2vcd must be in your $PATH during configure and gtkwave must be invoked with the -o option.

  • WLF: Wave Log File. This is generated by ModelSim. In order to read these files, the executable wlf2vcd must be in your $PATH during configure and gtkwave must be invoked with the -o option.

  • FSDB: Fast Signal Database. Reading these files generally requires that the executables fsdb2vcd and fsdbdebug are in your $PATH during configure and gtkwave must be invoked with the -o option. FSDB files can also be read without conversion with a processing speed similar to FST if the FsdbReader libraries nffr and nsys are found during configure, pointed to by the environment variable FSDBREADER_LIBS. Headers are pointed to by FSDBREADER_HDRS.

Converter helper applications are packaged with the viewer in order to convert VCD files into LXT, LXT2, VZT, or FST files. Conversion from LXT2, VZT, and FST back into VCD is possible. Wholesale conversion from LXT is not currently possible, however it is possible to save the traces visible in the main GTKWave window as VCD so conversion to LXT is not strictly irreversible.

Why Use GTKWave?

GTKWave has been developed to perform debug tasks on large systems on a chip and has been used in this capacity as an offline replacement for third-party debug tools. It is 64-bit clean and is ready for the largest of designs given that it is run on a workstation with a sufficient amount of physical memory. The file formats LXT2 and VZT have been specifically designed to cope with large, real-world designs, and AET2 (available to IBM EDA tool users only) and FST have been designed to handle extremely large designs efficiently.

For Verilog, GTKWave allows users to debug simulation results at both the net level by providing a bird’s eye view of multiple signal values over varying periods of time and also at the RTL level through annotation of signal values back into the RTL for a given timestep. The RTL browser frees up users from needing to be concerned with the actual location of where a given module resides in the RTL as the view provided by the RTL browser defaults to the module level. This provides quick access to modules in the RTL as navigation has been reduced simply to moving up and down in a tree structure that represents the actual design.

Source code annotation is currently not available for VHDL, however all of GTKWave’s other debug features are readily accessible. VHDL support is planned for a future release.

What Is GTKWave?

GTKWave as a collection of binaries is comprised of two interlocking tools: the gtkwave viewer application and rtlbrowse. In addition, a collection of helper applications are used to facilitate such tasks as file conversions and simulation data mining. They are intended to function together in a cohesive system although their modular design allows each to function independently of the others if need be.

gtkwave is the waveform analyzer and is the primary tool used for visualization. It provides a method for viewing simulation results for both analog and digital data, allows for various search operations and temporal manipulations, can save partial results (i.e., “signals of interest”) extracted from a full simulation dump, and finally can generate PostScript and FrameMaker output for hard copy.

rtlbrowse is used to view and navigate through RTL source code that has been parsed and processed into a stems file by the helper application xml2stems. It allows for viewing of RTL at both the file and module level and when invoked by gtkwave, allows for source code annotation.

The helper applications perform various specialized tasks such as file conversion, RTL parsing, and other data manipulation operations considered outside of the scope of what a visualization tool needs to perform.