

gh:vhdl/pyVHDLModel is an abstract language model for VHDL written in Python. That is, a set of classes that represent the items found in VHDL sources, and utils for manipulating and interacting with those classes. The generation of an specific object tree for an specific VHDL codebase is done by a frontend. Currently supported frontends are pyGHDL and gh:Paebbels/pyVHDLParser.

GHDL is the most complete open source VHDL parser and analyser, and more complete than several vendor tools. However, GHDL is written in Ada, and it was not initially designed for the analysis features to be used standalone. Therefore, most developers of tooling around the VHDL language do typically not use GHDL but try reimplementing the parsing themselves. That is the case of VUnit, TerosHDL, Symbolator, vhdl-style-guide, gh:VHDLTool, gh:Nic30/hdlConvertor, etc. All of those projects need some understanding of the models they are dealing with, and they use regular expressions, gh:tree-sitter/tree-sitter, ANTLR or similar general purpose parser engines. That is unfortunate because many of them do use Python, so the effort duplication in the community might be significantly reduced if they could interact with GHDL’s parser/analysis through Python.

Since 2021, pyVHDLModel and pyGHDL provide a ready-to-use solution. By using those, developers can get a pythonic representation of VHDL sources, using less than 10 lines of Python code which depend on GHDL and Python only. We believe that projects such as the ones mentioned above could greatly benefit from using pyVHDLModel, as long as they are good with depending on GHDL.


Projects which don’t want to depend on a binary/compiled tool (GHDL), can use a Python only frontend for pyVHDLModel. That is precisely the purpose of pyVHDLParser (actually where pyVHDLModel was conceived). However, pyVHDLParser is not as mature as (py)GHDL yet.


pyVHDLModel and pyGHDL are still being shaped and enhanced in order to provide higher abstraction features on top of parsing. Moreover, there are some helper functions written on top of pyVHDLModel, which don’t fit in the same repository but can be reused by multiple projects. pyVHDLModelUtils collects some of those helpers, until we decide a better location for them.


We are aware that reworking an stable codebase is not the most appealing task, so developers of existing tools might not be willing to use pyVHDLModel straightaway. In this context, the main purpose of pyVHDLModelUtils, Open Source VHDL Design Explorer (OSVDE) and Documentation generation is to showcase pyVHDLModel and to build a critical mass for creating higher abstraction features on top. Potential users of pyVHDLModel are all the developers of tools which benefit from programmatically using knowledge about a VHDL codebase.

pyVHDLModelUtils reference#


Currently, pyVHDLModel and pyGHDL.dom provide a SyntaxModel only. That is, the model is built from parsing the sources, without further analysis or elaboration. As a result, symbols and cross-references between units are not resolved. This package provides some naive Symbol resolution features. In the future, we expect to use pyGHDL.libghdl for elaboration.

pyVHDLModelUtils.resolve.ArchitecturesToEntities(design: Design) None[source]#

Resolve architectures to entities by simple name matching.

pyVHDLModelUtils.resolve.Symbols(design: Design) None[source]#

Resolve some symbols after parsing, but without complete analysis and elaboration.


Getting an string representation of some elements such as (sub)types might be cumbersome. This package handles formatting those.

pyVHDLModelUtils.fmt.SubtypeIndication(subtypeIndication: SimpleSubtypeSymbol | ConstrainedCompositeSubtypeSymbol) str[source]#

Format the subtype indication of generics/ports as an string.


Since Sphinx is written in Python, packages can be imported and used for generating content. This package provides functions for including the documentation of hardware designs in Sphinx projects.

pyVHDLModelUtils.sphinx.initDesign(root: str | Path, **kwargs) None[source]#

Initialize a Design and analyze sources.

Each argument after root defines a library name and the type is expected to be a list of patterns.


root – Location of the root for all provided relative paths. This is relative to the base directory of the build.

pyVHDLModelUtils.sphinx.printDocumentationOf(targets: List[str] | None = None, style: str = 'rst:list') None[source]#

Generate documentation of resources (either a unit or a whole file).

Supported syntaxes:

  • libraryName.entityName

  • TODO: libraryName.entityName(architectureName)

  • TODO: libraryName.packageName

  • TODO: libraryName.configurationName

  • TODO: libraryName.architectureName

  • TODO: relative/path/to/file

  • TODO: absolute/path/to/file

  • targets – list of resources to generate the documentation for.

  • style – format of the output. Supported values are: ‘rst:list’ and ‘rst:table’.

pyVHDLModelUtils.sphinx.printDocumentationOfEntity_rstList(entity: Entity, lib: Library | None = None) None[source]#

Print documentation of an Entity using style ‘rst:list’.

pyVHDLModelUtils.sphinx.printDocumentationOfEntity_rstTable(entity: Entity, lib: Library | None = None) None[source]#

Print documentation of an Entity using style ‘rst:table’ (through ‘tabulate’).