Simulators | Compilers#


Licensing constraints of many vendor tools do not allow discussing features and/or perfomance publicly. Therefore, this section contains references to open source tools only, which don’t have such knowledge limitations.




GHDL is an open source analyzer, compiler, simulator and (experimental) synthesizer for VHDL (87, 93, 02 and 08). It has partial support for Property Specification Language (PSL), and it can write waveforms to GHW, VCD or FST files. It supports two co-simulation interfaces: Verilog Procedural Interface (VPI) and VHPIDIRECT (a non VHDL LRM compliant Foreign Function Interface, which is being standardized as VFFI/VPI). GHDL can generate either executable binaries or shared libraries by using one of three backends: GCC, LLVM or (x86_64/i386 only) mcode (built-in and in-memory ASM code generator).

Icarus Verilog#

Icarus Verilog is an open source analyzer, compiler, simulator and (experimental) synthesizer for all of the Verilog HDL as described in the IEEE-1364 standards. It supports Verilog Procedural Interface (VPI) for co-simulation. It is mostly used for simulation of behavioural constructs in complex testbenches. Icarus Verilog can write waveforms to VCD, LXS2 or FST files.




Verilator is an open source analyzer and simulator for the synthesizable subsets of Verilog and SystemVerilog. It compiles HDL sources into multithreaded C++ or SystemC, providing high-performance for large synthesizable designs. The verilated model is then compiled by a C++ compiler (GCC, clang, MSVC++…), allowing generation of standalone binaries or shared libraries, together with a user defined wrapper. Verilator can write waveforms to VCD or FST files. Language support is limited compared to iverilog, but it provides much faster simulation as well as implicit obfuscation.

Although verilator does not support enough of System Verilog for using UVM yet, there is work in progress for achieving it. Apart from supporting System Verilog for synthesis through Surelog and UHDM, CHIPS Alliance members Antmicro, Western Digital and Google are working on verilating non-synthesizable code, to allow running System Verilog UVM with Verilator. See:


Yosys is an open source framework for RTL synthesis tools. It has built-in Verilog 2005 support, and can process VHDL using GHDL as a frontend (through ghdl-yosys-plugin). Yosys is written in C++ and it has a built-in simulation backed named CXXRTL. Similarly to Verilator, CXXRTL writes out the post-synthesis netlist as a set of C++ classes. Then, a user defined wrapper instantiates the design, toggles the clock and interacts with the ports. CXXRTL can write waveforms to VCD files. It supports providing black boxes as behavioural C++ models, similarly to some standard co-simulation interfaces.