Source code for pyOSVDE.main

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Authors:
#   Unai Martinez-Corral
# Copyright 2021 Unai Martinez-Corral <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from sys import exit as sys_exit

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox as mbox
from tkinter import ttk as ttk, filedialog as fd

from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent

from pyGHDL.dom.InterfaceItem import GenericConstantInterfaceItem, GenericTypeInterfaceItem
from pyGHDL.dom.NonStandard import Design, Document
from pyGHDL.dom.Concurrent import (
from pyVHDLModel.SyntaxModel import (
from pyVHDLModelUtils.resolve import Symbols as resolve_Symbols

from gitignore_parser import parse_gitignore as ignoreParser

[docs] class OSVDE(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) parent.title("[OSVDE] Open Source VHDL Design Explorer") parent.state("zoomed") self.Frame = tk.Frame(parent) self.FileTreeView = ttk.Treeview(self) self.DesignTreeView = ttk.Treeview(self) self.FileTreeView.pack(fill="both", side=tk.TOP, expand=True) self.DesignTreeView.pack(fill="both", side=tk.TOP, expand=True) self.Frame.pack(fill=tk.X, side=tk.BOTTOM, expand=False) self.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self._initImages() parent.iconphoto(False, self.ImageLogo) self._initMenu(parent) self._initFileTreeView() self._initDesignTreeView() # tk.Button(self.Frame, text="Click to Open File", command=self.cbFile).pack( # fill=tk.X, side=tk.LEFT, expand=True # ) # tk.Button(self.Frame, text="Click to Open Directory", command=self.cbDir).pack( # fill=tk.X, side=tk.LEFT, expand=True # ) self.Design = Design() self.cbDir() def _initImages(self): """ Load images for icons and logo. """ # imgDir = Path(__file__).parent / "img" self.ImageLogo = tk.PhotoImage(file=imgDir / "icon.png") imgDir16 = imgDir / "16" self.Image = {} for item in ( "dir", "file", "lib", "ent", "generics", "generic", "ports", "in", "out", "inout", "archs", "arch", "inst", ): self.Image[item] = tk.PhotoImage(file=imgDir16 / "{}16.png".format(item)) def _initMenu(self, parent): """ Initialise the main Menu. """ def cbAbout(): # aboutWindow = tk.Toplevel(parent) # aboutWindow.title("About Open Source VHDL Design Explorer (OSVDE)") # aboutWindow.geometry("500x350") # tk.Label(aboutWindow, text ="This is a new window").pack() mbox.showinfo( "About", dedent( """\ Open Source VHDL Design Explorer (OSVDE) <> Copyright 2021 Unai Martinez-Corral <> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <> """ ), ) self.Menu = tk.Menu(parent) parent.config(menu=self.Menu) fileMenu = tk.Menu(self.Menu, tearoff=0) fileMenu.add_command(label="Open File...", command=self.cbFile) fileMenu.add_command(label="Open Directory...", command=self.cbDir) fileMenu.add_separator() fileMenu.add_command(label="About...", command=cbAbout) fileMenu.add_separator() fileMenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=parent.quit) self.Menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=fileMenu) # editMenu = tk.Menu(self.Menu, tearoff=0) # editMenu.add_command(label="Undo") # editMenu.add_command(label="Redo") # self.Menu.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=editMenu) def _initFileTreeView(self): """ Initialise the File TreeView (define the columns). """ ftw = self.FileTreeView ftw["columns"] = "units" ftw.heading("#0", text="Sources: **/*vhd") ftw.heading("units", text="Units: entity(architecture,...)|<entity>(architecture,...)") def _initDesignTreeView(self): """ Initialise the Design TreeView (define the columns). """ dtw = self.DesignTreeView dtw.heading("#0", text="Design hierarchies")
[docs] def cbDir(self): """ Callback for '*Open Directory...*'. """ dirName = fd.askdirectory(mustexist=True) if dirName != "": self.parseDir(Path(dirName)) resolve_Symbols(self.Design) self.loadFileTree() self.loadDesignTree()
[docs] def cbFile(self): """ Callback for '*Open File...*'. """ fileName = fd.askopenfilename() self.parseFile(Path(fileName)) resolve_Symbols(self.Design) self.loadFileTree() self.loadDesignTree()
[docs] def parseDir(self, dirName: Path): """ Parse all the ``.vhd`` files found through a recursive glob, honoring ``osvdeignore`` files. """ ignores = [] for item in dirName.glob("**/.osvdeignore"): ignores.append((item.parent, ignoreParser(item))) for item in dirName.glob("**/*.vhd*"): ignoreItem = False for match in ignores: if str(match[0]) in str(item) and match[1](item): ignoreItem = True break if not ignoreItem: self.parseFile(item)
[docs] def parseFile(self, sourceFile: Path, library: str = "lib"): """ Add a VHDL source to the pyVHDLModel Design. """ print("parseFile: {}".format(sourceFile)) lib = self.Design.GetLibrary(library) self.Design.AddDocument(Document(sourceFile), lib)
[docs] def loadFileTree(self, parent=""): """ Populate the FileTreeView with the data from the pyVHDLModel Design. """ ftw = self.FileTreeView def addTreeItem(parent, text, isDir, data=()): return ftw.insert( parent, tk.END, text=text, values=data, open=isDir, image=self.Image["dir"] if isDir else self.Image["file"], ) def traversePath(document, parts, parent): item = parts[0] isDir = len(parts) > 1 children = [iid for iid in ftw.get_children(parent) if ftw.item(iid)["text"] == item] childrenLen = len(children) if isDir: if childrenLen > 1: raise Exception("Duplicated item text <{}>: {}".format(item, children)) return traversePath( document, parts[1:], addTreeItem(parent, item, True, ()) if childrenLen == 0 else children[0], ) if len(children) > 0: raise Exception("Item text <{}> exists already: {}".format(item, children)) units = {} for entity in document.Entities: units["<{}>".format(entity.Identifier)] = [arch.Identifier for arch in entity.Architectures] addTreeItem( parent, item, False, ("| ".join(["{}({})".format(key, ", ".join(val)) for key, val in units.items()])), ) for document in self.Design.Documents: traversePath(document, list(, parent)
[docs] def loadDesignTree(self, parent=""): """ Populate the DesignTreeView with the data from the pyVHDLModel Design. """ dtw = self.DesignTreeView def addTreeItem(parent, text, isOpen, image): return dtw.insert(parent, tk.END, text=text, open=isOpen, image=self.Image[image]) def loadStatementsTree(item, statements): for statement in statements: # Note: the following share the same base class 'Instantiation' # ComponentInstantiation, EntityInstantiation, ConfigurationInstantiation if isinstance(statement, Instantiation): addTreeItem(item, "{}: inst".format(statement.Label), False, "inst") elif isinstance(statement, ConcurrentBlockStatement): instItem = addTreeItem(item, "{}: block".format(statement.Label), False, "file") innerstatements = statement.Statements if len(innerstatements) != 0: loadStatementsTree(instItem, innerstatements) # Note: the following share the same base class 'GenerateStatement' # ForGenerateStatement, CaseGenerateStatement, IfGenerateStatement elif isinstance(statement, IfGenerateStatement): instItem = addTreeItem(item, "{}: if .. generate".format(statement.Label), False, "file") loadStatementsTree( addTreeItem( instItem, "if: {}".format(statement.IfBranch.Condition), False, "file", ), statement.IfBranch.Statements, ) for elsifbranch in statement.ElsifBranches: loadStatementsTree( addTreeItem( instItem, "elsif: {}".format(elsifbranch.Condition), False, "file", ), elsifbranch.Statements, ) if statement.ElseBranch is not None: loadStatementsTree( addTreeItem(instItem, "else:", False, "file"), statement.ElseBranch.Statements, ) elif isinstance(statement, CaseGenerateStatement): instItem = addTreeItem(item, "{}: case .. generate".format(statement.Label), False, "file") for case in statement.Cases: if isinstance(case, GenerateCase): loadStatementsTree( addTreeItem( instItem, "case: {}".format(" | ".join([str(c) for c in case.Choises])), False, "file", ), case.Statements, ) elif isinstance(case, OthersGenerateCase): loadStatementsTree( addTreeItem(instItem, "others:", False, "file"), case.Statements, ) elif isinstance(statement, ForGenerateStatement): instItem = addTreeItem( item, "{0}: for {1!s} generate".format(statement.Label, statement.Range), False, "file", ) innerstatements = statement.Statements if len(innerstatements) != 0: loadStatementsTree(instItem, innerstatements) elif isinstance(statement, ProcessStatement): addTreeItem( item, "{}: process".format(statement.Label or "DefaultLabel"), False, "file", ) for libName, lib in self.Design.Libraries.items(): LibItem = addTreeItem(parent, libName, True, "lib") for entity in lib.Entities: EntityItem = addTreeItem(LibItem, entity.Identifier, False, "ent") generics = entity.GenericItems if len(generics) != 0: GenericsItem = addTreeItem(EntityItem, "Generics", False, "generics") for generic in generics: if isinstance(generic, GenericConstantInterfaceItem): addTreeItem( GenericsItem, "{} [{}]".format(",".join(generic.Identifiers), generic.Subtype), False, "generic", ) elif isinstance(generic, GenericTypeInterfaceItem): addTreeItem( GenericsItem, "type: {}".format(generic.Identifier), False, "generic", ) else: print( "[NOT IMPLEMENTED] Generic item class not supported yet: {0}", generic.__class__.__name__, ) ports = entity.PortItems if len(ports) != 0: PortsItem = addTreeItem(EntityItem, "Ports", False, "ports") for port in ports: addTreeItem( PortsItem, "{} [{}]".format(",".join(port.Identifiers), port.Subtype), False, "out" if port.Mode is Mode.Out else "inout" if port.Mode is Mode.InOut else "in", ) architectures = entity.Architectures if len(architectures) != 0: ArchitecturesItem = addTreeItem(EntityItem, "Architectures", False, "archs") for architecture in entity.Architectures: loadStatementsTree( addTreeItem(ArchitecturesItem, "{}".format(architecture.Identifier), False, "arch"), architecture.Statements, )
# TODO: # - Add icons for process, block and generate(s) # - # - Add check for 'null' in GHDL's Sanity? # TODO: # Strictly, elaboration is required for relating Entities and Architectures. # However, there are three solutions: # - Do a naive elaboration, by simple name matching. # - Implement the elaboration in pyVHDLModel. # - Use pyGHDL.libghdl for elaboration. # The most sensible solution is to use the first one, skip the second one, and work on the last one. # Currently, we are using `pyVHDLModelUtils.resolve.Symbols`, contributed by Patrick. # In the near future, he might add those and other helper functions into an specific package, sibling # to pyVHDLModel and pyGHDL. if __name__ == "__main__": sys_exit(OSVDE(tk.Tk()).mainloop())