Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: StaticBody3D < PhysicsBody3D < CollisionObject3D < Node3D < Node < Object

Physics body for 3D physics which moves only by script or animation. Useful for moving platforms and doors.


Animatable body for 3D physics.

An animatable body can't be moved by external forces or contacts, but can be moved by script or animation to affect other bodies in its path. It is ideal for implementing moving objects in the environment, such as moving platforms or doors.

When the body is moved manually, either from code or from an AnimationPlayer (with AnimationPlayer.playback_process_mode set to physics), the physics will automatically compute an estimate of their linear and angular velocity. This makes them very useful for moving platforms or other AnimationPlayer-controlled objects (like a door, a bridge that opens, etc).

Warning: With a non-uniform scale this node will probably not function as expected. Please make sure to keep its scale uniform (i.e. the same on all axes), and change the size(s) of its collision shape(s) instead.






Property Descriptions

bool sync_to_physics = true

  • void set_sync_to_physics ( bool value )

  • bool is_sync_to_physics_enabled ( )

If true, the body's movement will be synchronized to the physics frame. This is useful when animating movement via AnimationPlayer, for example on moving platforms. Do not use together with PhysicsBody3D.move_and_collide.