Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: Shape2D < Resource < RefCounted < Object

Concave polygon shape resource for 2D physics.


2D concave polygon shape to be added as a direct child of a PhysicsBody2D or Area2D using a CollisionShape2D node. It is made out of segments and is optimal for complex polygonal concave collisions. However, it is not advised to use for RigidBody2D nodes. A CollisionPolygon2D in convex decomposition mode (solids) or several convex objects are advised for that instead. Otherwise, a concave polygon 2D shape is better for static collisions.

The main difference between a ConvexPolygonShape2D and a ConcavePolygonShape2D is that a concave polygon assumes it is concave and uses a more complex method of collision detection, and a convex one forces itself to be convex to speed up collision detection.

Performance: Due to its complexity, ConcavePolygonShape2D is the slowest collision shape to check collisions against. Its use should generally be limited to level geometry. For convex geometry, using ConvexPolygonShape2D will perform better. For dynamic physics bodies that need concave collision, several ConvexPolygonShape2Ds can be used to represent its collision by using convex decomposition; see ConvexPolygonShape2D's documentation for instructions. However, consider using primitive collision shapes such as CircleShape2D or RectangleShape2D first.

Warning: Using this shape for an Area2D (via a CollisionShape2D node) may give unexpected results: the area will only detect collisions with the segments in the ConcavePolygonShape2D (and not with any "inside" of the shape, for example).





Property Descriptions

PackedVector2Array segments = PackedVector2Array()

The array of points that make up the ConcavePolygonShape2D's line segments.