Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.

Using an external text editor

This page explains how to code using an external text editor.

Godot can be used with an external text editor, such as Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code. Browse to the relevant editor settings: Editor -> Editor Settings -> Text Editor -> External


There are two fields: the executable path and command-line flags. The flags allow you to integrate the editor with Godot, passing it the file path to open and other relevant arguments. Godot will replace the following placeholders in the flags string:

Field in Exec Flags

Is replaced with


The absolute path to the project directory


The absolute path to the file


The column number of the error


The line number of the error

Some example Exec Flags for various editors include:


Exec Flags


{file} --line {line} --column {col}



JetBrains Rider

{project} --line {line} {file}

Visual Studio Code

{project} --goto {file}:{line}:{col}

Vim (gVim)

"+call cursor({line}, {col})" {file}


emacs +{line}:{col} {file}

Sublime Text

{project} {file}:{line}:{column}


For Visual Studio Code on Windows, you will have to point to the code.cmd file. For Emacs, you can call emacsclient instead of emacs if you use the server mode.

Using External Editor in Debugger

Using external editor in debugger is determined by a separate option in settings. For details see Script editor debug tools and options.

Official editor plugins

We have official plugins for the following code editors: