Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: RefCounted < Object

Collision data for PhysicsBody3D.move_and_collide collisions.


Contains collision data for PhysicsBody3D.move_and_collide collisions. When a PhysicsBody3D is moved using PhysicsBody3D.move_and_collide, it stops if it detects a collision with another body. If a collision is detected, a KinematicCollision3D object is returned.

This object contains information about the collision, including the colliding object, the remaining motion, and the collision position. This information can be used to calculate a collision response.



get_angle ( int collision_index=0, Vector3 up_direction=Vector3(0, 1, 0) ) const


get_collider ( int collision_index=0 ) const


get_collider_id ( int collision_index=0 ) const


get_collider_rid ( int collision_index=0 ) const


get_collider_shape ( int collision_index=0 ) const


get_collider_shape_index ( int collision_index=0 ) const


get_collider_velocity ( int collision_index=0 ) const


get_collision_count ( ) const


get_depth ( ) const


get_local_shape ( int collision_index=0 ) const


get_normal ( int collision_index=0 ) const


get_position ( int collision_index=0 ) const


get_remainder ( ) const


get_travel ( ) const

Method Descriptions

float get_angle ( int collision_index=0, Vector3 up_direction=Vector3(0, 1, 0) ) const

Returns the collision angle according to up_direction, which is Vector3.UP by default. This value is always positive.

Object get_collider ( int collision_index=0 ) const

Returns the colliding body's attached Object given a collision index (the deepest collision by default).

int get_collider_id ( int collision_index=0 ) const

Returns the unique instance ID of the colliding body's attached Object given a collision index (the deepest collision by default). See Object.get_instance_id.

RID get_collider_rid ( int collision_index=0 ) const

Returns the colliding body's RID used by the PhysicsServer3D given a collision index (the deepest collision by default).

Object get_collider_shape ( int collision_index=0 ) const

Returns the colliding body's shape given a collision index (the deepest collision by default).

int get_collider_shape_index ( int collision_index=0 ) const

Returns the colliding body's shape index given a collision index (the deepest collision by default). See CollisionObject3D.

Vector3 get_collider_velocity ( int collision_index=0 ) const

Returns the colliding body's velocity given a collision index (the deepest collision by default).

int get_collision_count ( ) const

Returns the number of detected collisions.

float get_depth ( ) const

Returns the colliding body's length of overlap along the collision normal.

Object get_local_shape ( int collision_index=0 ) const

Returns the moving object's colliding shape given a collision index (the deepest collision by default).

Vector3 get_normal ( int collision_index=0 ) const

Returns the colliding body's shape's normal at the point of collision given a collision index (the deepest collision by default).

Vector3 get_position ( int collision_index=0 ) const

Returns the point of collision in global coordinates given a collision index (the deepest collision by default).

Vector3 get_remainder ( ) const

Returns the moving object's remaining movement vector.

Vector3 get_travel ( ) const

Returns the moving object's travel before collision.