Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: VisualShaderNode < Resource < RefCounted < Object

Virtual class to define custom VisualShaderNodes for use in the Visual Shader Editor.


By inheriting this class you can create a custom VisualShader script addon which will be automatically added to the Visual Shader Editor. The VisualShaderNode's behavior is defined by overriding the provided virtual methods.

In order for the node to be registered as an editor addon, you must use the @tool annotation and provide a class_name for your custom script. For example:

extends VisualShaderNodeCustom
class_name VisualShaderNodeNoise




_get_category ( ) virtual const


_get_code ( String[] input_vars, String[] output_vars, Mode mode, Type type ) virtual const


_get_description ( ) virtual const


_get_func_code ( Mode mode, Type type ) virtual const


_get_global_code ( Mode mode ) virtual const


_get_input_port_count ( ) virtual const


_get_input_port_name ( int port ) virtual const


_get_input_port_type ( int port ) virtual const


_get_name ( ) virtual const


_get_output_port_count ( ) virtual const


_get_output_port_name ( int port ) virtual const


_get_output_port_type ( int port ) virtual const


_get_return_icon_type ( ) virtual const


_is_available ( Mode mode, Type type ) virtual const


_is_highend ( ) virtual const

Method Descriptions

String _get_category ( ) virtual const

Override this method to define the path to the associated custom node in the Visual Shader Editor's members dialog. The path may look like "MyGame/MyFunctions/Noise".

Defining this method is optional. If not overridden, the node will be filed under the "Addons" category.

String _get_code ( String[] input_vars, String[] output_vars, Mode mode, Type type ) virtual const

Override this method to define the actual shader code of the associated custom node. The shader code should be returned as a string, which can have multiple lines (the """ multiline string construct can be used for convenience).

The input_vars and output_vars arrays contain the string names of the various input and output variables, as defined by _get_input_* and _get_output_* virtual methods in this class.

The output ports can be assigned values in the shader code. For example, return output_vars[0] + " = " + input_vars[0] + ";".

You can customize the generated code based on the shader mode (see Mode) and/or type (see Type).

Defining this method is required.

String _get_description ( ) virtual const

Override this method to define the description of the associated custom node in the Visual Shader Editor's members dialog.

Defining this method is optional.

String _get_func_code ( Mode mode, Type type ) virtual const

Override this method to add a shader code to the beginning of each shader function (once). The shader code should be returned as a string, which can have multiple lines (the """ multiline string construct can be used for convenience).

If there are multiple custom nodes of different types which use this feature the order of each insertion is undefined.

You can customize the generated code based on the shader mode (see Mode) and/or type (see Type).

Defining this method is optional.

String _get_global_code ( Mode mode ) virtual const

Override this method to add shader code on top of the global shader, to define your own standard library of reusable methods, varyings, constants, uniforms, etc. The shader code should be returned as a string, which can have multiple lines (the """ multiline string construct can be used for convenience).

Be careful with this functionality as it can cause name conflicts with other custom nodes, so be sure to give the defined entities unique names.

You can customize the generated code based on the shader mode (see Mode).

Defining this method is optional.

int _get_input_port_count ( ) virtual const

Override this method to define the number of input ports of the associated custom node.

Defining this method is required. If not overridden, the node has no input ports.

String _get_input_port_name ( int port ) virtual const

Override this method to define the names of input ports of the associated custom node. The names are used both for the input slots in the editor and as identifiers in the shader code, and are passed in the input_vars array in _get_code.

Defining this method is optional, but recommended. If not overridden, input ports are named as "in" + str(port).

PortType _get_input_port_type ( int port ) virtual const

Override this method to define the returned type of each input port of the associated custom node (see PortType for possible types).

Defining this method is optional, but recommended. If not overridden, input ports will return the VisualShaderNode.PORT_TYPE_SCALAR type.

String _get_name ( ) virtual const

Override this method to define the name of the associated custom node in the Visual Shader Editor's members dialog and graph.

Defining this method is optional, but recommended. If not overridden, the node will be named as "Unnamed".

int _get_output_port_count ( ) virtual const

Override this method to define the number of output ports of the associated custom node.

Defining this method is required. If not overridden, the node has no output ports.

String _get_output_port_name ( int port ) virtual const

Override this method to define the names of output ports of the associated custom node. The names are used both for the output slots in the editor and as identifiers in the shader code, and are passed in the output_vars array in _get_code.

Defining this method is optional, but recommended. If not overridden, output ports are named as "out" + str(port).

PortType _get_output_port_type ( int port ) virtual const

Override this method to define the returned type of each output port of the associated custom node (see PortType for possible types).

Defining this method is optional, but recommended. If not overridden, output ports will return the VisualShaderNode.PORT_TYPE_SCALAR type.

PortType _get_return_icon_type ( ) virtual const

Override this method to define the return icon of the associated custom node in the Visual Shader Editor's members dialog.

Defining this method is optional. If not overridden, no return icon is shown.

bool _is_available ( Mode mode, Type type ) virtual const

Override this method to prevent the node to be visible in the member dialog for the certain mode (see Mode) and/or type (see Type).

Defining this method is optional. If not overridden, it's true.

bool _is_highend ( ) virtual const

Override this method to enable high-end mark in the Visual Shader Editor's members dialog.

Defining this method is optional. If not overridden, it's false.