Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: Container < Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Custom control to edit properties for adding into the inspector.


This control allows property editing for one or multiple properties into EditorInspector. It is added via EditorInspectorPlugin.

























_set_read_only ( bool read_only ) virtual


_update_property ( ) virtual


add_focusable ( Control control )


emit_changed ( StringName property, Variant value, StringName field=&"", bool changing=false )


get_edited_object ( )


get_edited_property ( ) const


set_bottom_editor ( Control editor )


update_property ( )


multiple_properties_changed ( PackedStringArray properties, Array value )

Emit it if you want multiple properties modified at the same time. Do not use if added via EditorInspectorPlugin._parse_property.

object_id_selected ( StringName property, int id )

Used by sub-inspectors. Emit it if what was selected was an Object ID.

property_can_revert_changed ( StringName property, bool can_revert )

Emitted when the revertability (i.e., whether it has a non-default value and thus is displayed with a revert icon) of a property has changed.

property_changed ( StringName property, Variant value, StringName field, bool changing )

Do not emit this manually, use the emit_changed method instead.

property_checked ( StringName property, bool checked )

Emitted when a property was checked. Used internally.

property_deleted ( StringName property )

Emitted when a property was deleted. Used internally.

property_keyed ( StringName property )

Emit it if you want to add this value as an animation key (check for keying being enabled first).

property_keyed_with_value ( StringName property, Variant value )

Emit it if you want to key a property with a single value.

property_pinned ( StringName property, bool pinned )

Emit it if you want to mark (or unmark) the value of a property for being saved regardless of being equal to the default value.

The default value is the one the property will get when the node is just instantiated and can come from an ancestor scene in the inheritance/instantiation chain, a script or a builtin class.

resource_selected ( String path, Resource resource )

If you want a sub-resource to be edited, emit this signal with the resource.

selected ( String path, int focusable_idx )

Emitted when selected. Used internally.

Property Descriptions

bool checkable = false

  • void set_checkable ( bool value )

  • bool is_checkable ( )

Used by the inspector, set to true when the property is checkable.

bool checked = false

  • void set_checked ( bool value )

  • bool is_checked ( )

Used by the inspector, set to true when the property is checked.

bool deletable = false

  • void set_deletable ( bool value )

  • bool is_deletable ( )

Used by the inspector, set to true when the property can be deleted by the user.

bool draw_warning = false

  • void set_draw_warning ( bool value )

  • bool is_draw_warning ( )

Used by the inspector, set to true when the property is drawn with the editor theme's warning color. This is used for editable children's properties.

bool keying = false

  • void set_keying ( bool value )

  • bool is_keying ( )

Used by the inspector, set to true when the property can add keys for animation.

String label = ""

Set this property to change the label (if you want to show one).

bool read_only = false

  • void set_read_only ( bool value )

  • bool is_read_only ( )

Used by the inspector, set to true when the property is read-only.

Method Descriptions

void _set_read_only ( bool read_only ) virtual

Called when the read-only status of the property is changed. It may be used to change custom controls into a read-only or modifiable state.

void _update_property ( ) virtual

When this virtual function is called, you must update your editor.

void add_focusable ( Control control )

If any of the controls added can gain keyboard focus, add it here. This ensures that focus will be restored if the inspector is refreshed.

void emit_changed ( StringName property, Variant value, StringName field=&"", bool changing=false )

If one or several properties have changed, this must be called. field is used in case your editor can modify fields separately (as an example, Vector3.x). The changing argument avoids the editor requesting this property to be refreshed (leave as false if unsure).

Object get_edited_object ( )

Gets the edited object.

StringName get_edited_property ( ) const

Gets the edited property. If your editor is for a single property (added via EditorInspectorPlugin._parse_property), then this will return the property.

void set_bottom_editor ( Control editor )

Puts the editor control below the property label. The control must be previously added using Node.add_child.

void update_property ( )

Forces refresh of the property display.