Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: Node3DGizmo < RefCounted < Object

Gizmo for editing Node3D objects.


Gizmo that is used for providing custom visualization and editing (handles and subgizmos) for Node3D objects. Can be overridden to create custom gizmos, but for simple gizmos creating a EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin is usually recommended.



_commit_handle ( int id, bool secondary, Variant restore, bool cancel ) virtual


_commit_subgizmos ( PackedInt32Array ids, Transform3D[] restores, bool cancel ) virtual


_get_handle_name ( int id, bool secondary ) virtual const


_get_handle_value ( int id, bool secondary ) virtual const


_get_subgizmo_transform ( int id ) virtual const


_is_handle_highlighted ( int id, bool secondary ) virtual const


_redraw ( ) virtual


_set_handle ( int id, bool secondary, Camera3D camera, Vector2 point ) virtual


_set_subgizmo_transform ( int id, Transform3D transform ) virtual


_subgizmos_intersect_frustum ( Camera3D camera, Plane[] frustum ) virtual const


_subgizmos_intersect_ray ( Camera3D camera, Vector2 point ) virtual const


add_collision_segments ( PackedVector3Array segments )


add_collision_triangles ( TriangleMesh triangles )


add_handles ( PackedVector3Array handles, Material material, PackedInt32Array ids, bool billboard=false, bool secondary=false )


add_lines ( PackedVector3Array lines, Material material, bool billboard=false, Color modulate=Color(1, 1, 1, 1) )


add_mesh ( Mesh mesh, Material material=null, Transform3D transform=Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), SkinReference skeleton=null )


add_unscaled_billboard ( Material material, float default_scale=1, Color modulate=Color(1, 1, 1, 1) )


clear ( )


get_node_3d ( ) const


get_plugin ( ) const


get_subgizmo_selection ( ) const


is_subgizmo_selected ( int id ) const


set_hidden ( bool hidden )


set_node_3d ( Node node )

Method Descriptions

void _commit_handle ( int id, bool secondary, Variant restore, bool cancel ) virtual

Override this method to commit a handle being edited (handles must have been previously added by add_handles). This usually means creating an UndoRedo action for the change, using the current handle value as "do" and the restore argument as "undo".

If the cancel argument is true, the restore value should be directly set, without any UndoRedo action.

The secondary argument is true when the committed handle is secondary (see add_handles for more information).

void _commit_subgizmos ( PackedInt32Array ids, Transform3D[] restores, bool cancel ) virtual

Override this method to commit a group of subgizmos being edited (see _subgizmos_intersect_ray and _subgizmos_intersect_frustum). This usually means creating an UndoRedo action for the change, using the current transforms as "do" and the restores transforms as "undo".

If the cancel argument is true, the restores transforms should be directly set, without any UndoRedo action.

String _get_handle_name ( int id, bool secondary ) virtual const

Override this method to return the name of an edited handle (handles must have been previously added by add_handles). Handles can be named for reference to the user when editing.

The secondary argument is true when the requested handle is secondary (see add_handles for more information).

Variant _get_handle_value ( int id, bool secondary ) virtual const

Override this method to return the current value of a handle. This value will be requested at the start of an edit and used as the restore argument in _commit_handle.

The secondary argument is true when the requested handle is secondary (see add_handles for more information).

Transform3D _get_subgizmo_transform ( int id ) virtual const

Override this method to return the current transform of a subgizmo. This transform will be requested at the start of an edit and used as the restore argument in _commit_subgizmos.

bool _is_handle_highlighted ( int id, bool secondary ) virtual const

Override this method to return true whenever the given handle should be highlighted in the editor.

The secondary argument is true when the requested handle is secondary (see add_handles for more information).

void _redraw ( ) virtual

Override this method to add all the gizmo elements whenever a gizmo update is requested. It's common to call clear at the beginning of this method and then add visual elements depending on the node's properties.

void _set_handle ( int id, bool secondary, Camera3D camera, Vector2 point ) virtual

Override this method to update the node properties when the user drags a gizmo handle (previously added with add_handles). The provided point is the mouse position in screen coordinates and the camera can be used to convert it to raycasts.

The secondary argument is true when the edited handle is secondary (see add_handles for more information).

void _set_subgizmo_transform ( int id, Transform3D transform ) virtual

Override this method to update the node properties during subgizmo editing (see _subgizmos_intersect_ray and _subgizmos_intersect_frustum). The transform is given in the Node3D's local coordinate system.

PackedInt32Array _subgizmos_intersect_frustum ( Camera3D camera, Plane[] frustum ) virtual const

Override this method to allow selecting subgizmos using mouse drag box selection. Given a camera and a frustum, this method should return which subgizmos are contained within the frustum. The frustum argument consists of an Array with all the Planes that make up the selection frustum. The returned value should contain a list of unique subgizmo identifiers, which can have any non-negative value and will be used in other virtual methods like _get_subgizmo_transform or _commit_subgizmos.

int _subgizmos_intersect_ray ( Camera3D camera, Vector2 point ) virtual const

Override this method to allow selecting subgizmos using mouse clicks. Given a camera and a point in screen coordinates, this method should return which subgizmo should be selected. The returned value should be a unique subgizmo identifier, which can have any non-negative value and will be used in other virtual methods like _get_subgizmo_transform or _commit_subgizmos.

void add_collision_segments ( PackedVector3Array segments )

Adds the specified segments to the gizmo's collision shape for picking. Call this method during _redraw.

void add_collision_triangles ( TriangleMesh triangles )

Adds collision triangles to the gizmo for picking. A TriangleMesh can be generated from a regular Mesh too. Call this method during _redraw.

void add_handles ( PackedVector3Array handles, Material material, PackedInt32Array ids, bool billboard=false, bool secondary=false )

Adds a list of handles (points) which can be used to edit the properties of the gizmo's Node3D. The ids argument can be used to specify a custom identifier for each handle, if an empty Array is passed, the ids will be assigned automatically from the handles argument order.

The secondary argument marks the added handles as secondary, meaning they will normally have lower selection priority than regular handles. When the user is holding the shift key secondary handles will switch to have higher priority than regular handles. This change in priority can be used to place multiple handles at the same point while still giving the user control on their selection.

There are virtual methods which will be called upon editing of these handles. Call this method during _redraw.

void add_lines ( PackedVector3Array lines, Material material, bool billboard=false, Color modulate=Color(1, 1, 1, 1) )

Adds lines to the gizmo (as sets of 2 points), with a given material. The lines are used for visualizing the gizmo. Call this method during _redraw.

void add_mesh ( Mesh mesh, Material material=null, Transform3D transform=Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), SkinReference skeleton=null )

Adds a mesh to the gizmo with the specified material, local transform and skeleton. Call this method during _redraw.

void add_unscaled_billboard ( Material material, float default_scale=1, Color modulate=Color(1, 1, 1, 1) )

Adds an unscaled billboard for visualization and selection. Call this method during _redraw.

void clear ( )

Removes everything in the gizmo including meshes, collisions and handles.

Node3D get_node_3d ( ) const

Returns the Node3D node associated with this gizmo.

EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin get_plugin ( ) const

Returns the EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin that owns this gizmo. It's useful to retrieve materials using EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.get_material.

PackedInt32Array get_subgizmo_selection ( ) const

Returns a list of the currently selected subgizmos. Can be used to highlight selected elements during _redraw.

bool is_subgizmo_selected ( int id ) const

Returns true if the given subgizmo is currently selected. Can be used to highlight selected elements during _redraw.

void set_hidden ( bool hidden )

Sets the gizmo's hidden state. If true, the gizmo will be hidden. If false, it will be shown.

void set_node_3d ( Node node )

Sets the reference Node3D node for the gizmo. node must inherit from Node3D.